Í heyrnartólinu undanfarið..
The Magic Numbers - Those the Brokes
Damien Rice - 9
The Killers - Sam's Town
The Shins - Wincing the night away
Kasabian - Empire
Mew - And the Glass Handed Kites
Ampop - Sail to the Moon
Scissor Sisters - Ta-Dah
Scissor Sisters - Land of a Thousand Words
Silkimjúkt og flott lag frá diskófríkunum
Damien Rice - The Animals were Gone
Líklega besta lagið af níunni
The Killers - Read my Mind
Æðislegt lag og eitt af hápunktunum á plötunni
The Shins - Australia
Ógeðslega hressandi lag af væntanlegri plötu The Shins